Hi Hans,

Think what you are looking for would be a combination of a snapshot  
and zfs send/receive, that would give you an archive that you can use  
to recreate your zfs filesystems on your zpool at will at  later time.  
So you can do something like this

Create archive :
zfs snapshot -r [EMAIL PROTECTED]
zfs send -R [EMAIL PROTECTED] > mypool_archive.zfs

Restore from archive:
zpool create mynewpool disk1 disk2
zfs receive -d -F < mypool_archive.zfs

Doing this will create an archive that contains all descendent file  
systems of mypool, that can be restored at a later time, with out  
depending on how the zpool is organized.


On May 7, 2008, at 23:31, Hans wrote:
> thank you for your posting.
> well i still have problems understanding how a pool works.
> when i have one partition with zfs like this:
> /dev/sda1 -> ZFS
> /dev/sda2 -> ext2
> the only pool is on the sda1 device. in this way i can backup it  
> with the dd command.
> now i try to understand:
> when i have 2 zfs partitions like this:
> /dev/sda1 ->ZFS
> /dev/sda2 ->ZFS
> /dev/sda3 ->ext2
> i cannot copy only sda1 with dd and leave sda2 because i destroy the  
> pool then.
> is it possible to seperate two partitions in this way, that i can  
> backup one seperatley?
> the normal linux way is that every partition is mountet into the  
> file-system tree, but is in his way to store data different. so at  
> linux you can mount a ext3 and reiserfs together to one file-system  
> tree.
> zfs is different. it spreads data over the partitions how it is the  
> best way for zfs. maybe i can compare it a little with a raid 0  
> where data is spread over several harddisks. on a raid0 it is  
> impossible to backup one harddisk and restore it , in this way i  
> cannot backup a zfs partition and leafe other zfs partions.
> well i think a snapshot is not what i want.
> i want a image that i can use at any problems. so i can install an  
> new version of solaris, installing software. and then say... not  
> good. restore image. or whatever i want.
> This message posted from opensolaris.org
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