> Justin,
> Thanks for the reply
> In the environment I currently work in, the "powers
> that be" are almost
> completely anti unix. Installing the nfs client on
> all machines would take
> a real good sales pitch. None the less I am still

I've pro unix & I'm against putting NFS on all the PC clients as well.
Putting Samba on the server and leaving the PCs alone will be much easier to 
manage then NFS clients.  I suspect the performance and security on the PCs 
would be better too.

Samba can authenticate to AD or have it own seperate passowrd setup.  If it's a 
Windows shop, use AD.

I've not played with the CIFS in ZFS yet, but I have older Solaris installs and 
Samba works well enough that I don't have a need to switch yet.

> playing with the client
> in our sandbox. As I install this on a test machine a
> question popped into
> my mind. Does this passthrough AD credentials? How
> does one control
> authentication? I haven't read anything on this yet,
> and will do some
> searching, just thought I'd pick your brain a bit.

Samba does.  I think CIFS in ZFS would be done with PAM?

> The biggest reason I am drawn to ZFS is zpool. I like
> the idea I can keep
> adding raidz arrays to a large shared pool when ever
> I want. With iscsi
> sharing I am forced to make "Volumes" I don't know
> that I really like this
> idea outside of the scope of making iSCSI OS
> partitions. For network files
> and shares I really want to be able utilize snapshots
> and other features
> of the ZFS filesystem. If I share out via SMB do the
> files not sit on the
> zfs FS and get captured in snapshots indiviually? My

Snapshots are done in ZFS on the host.

> understanding was it
> just uses the CIFS protocol, but you still gain the
> benefits of the ZFS
> File System on the backend. The tough thing is trying
> to make this fit
> well in a Windows world.

Not really.  Samba makes all the OS stuff transparent to the windows user.  
Just like in Linux.  The big change is getting an ECC, snapshotting filesystem 
on the host.

> -Craig
> > sharesmb presents ntfs to windows, so you're still
> hampered by that file
> > system's 'features' such as lots of broadcast
> packets and a long timeout.
> >
> > One other option you should consider is using NFS,
> for which you can
> > install
> > a windows client. See
> http://support.microsoft.com/kb/324055 or google
> > 'nfs
> > windows client'
> >
> > justin
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