Hi !

As, probably, many of us I am playing with snv_90 and ZFS root. During
the installation I didn't see any possibility to set the properties of
the datasets. In particular compression.
I see that default installation leaves the compression property
untouched for all the created datasets, with rpool/dump being the only
exception. For it the compression property is explicitly set to "off".

venus:/home/imp> zfs get compression
NAME               PROPERTY     VALUE              SOURCE
rpool              compression  off                default
rpool/ROOT         compression  off                default
rpool/ROOT/snv_90  compression  off                default
rpool/dump         compression  off                local
rpool/export       compression  off                default
rpool/export/home  compression  off                default
rpool/snv_90_gzip  compression  gzip               local
rpool/snv_90_lzjb  compression  lzjb               local
rpool/swap         compression  off                default

I checked what would be the disk saving if compression would be turned
on and here are the results for the nearly full SXCE install.
rpool/snv_90_gzip and rpool/snv_90_lzjb are copies of the
rpool/ROOT/snv_90 ith respective compression turned on.

venus:/home/imp> zfs list | grep snv_90
rpool/ROOT/snv_90  4.79G   136G  4.79G  /
rpool/snv_90_gzip  1.82G   136G  1.82G  /rpool/snv_90_gzip
rpool/snv_90_lzjb  2.80G   136G  2.80G  /rpool/snv_90_lzjb
venus:/home/imp> zfs get compressratio | grep snv_90
rpool/ROOT/snv_90  compressratio  1.00x              -
rpool/snv_90_gzip  compressratio  2.63x              -
rpool/snv_90_lzjb  compressratio  1.70x              -

With lzjb the compression ratio is significant and with gzip is even
more so. I believe that having compression enabled on root file system
can be a good thing. System files are usually read-only, so the CPU
penalty on write for higher compression should be negligible. And
decompression on read supposed to be pretty fast.

So the questions are:

1. Are there any reasons to *not* enable compression by default ?
2. How can I do it ? (I think I can run "zfs set compression=on
rpool/ROOT/snv_90" in the other window, right after the installation
begins, but I would like less hacky way.)

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