On Wed, Jun 11, 2008 at 12:58 AM, Robin Guo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, Mike,
>  It's like 6452872, it need enough space for 'zfs promote'

Not really -  in 6452872 a file system is at its quota before the
promote is issued. I expect that a promote may cause several KB of
metadata changes that require some space and as such would require
more space than the quota.

In my case, quotas are not in used.  I had over 1.8 GB free before I
issued the zfs promote and fully expected to have roughly the same
amount of space free after the promote.  It seems as though a wrong
comparison about the amount of required free space is being made.

I have been able to reproduce - but then when I started poking at it
with dtrace (no destructive actions) I got a panic.

# mdb *.0
Loading modules: [ unix genunix specfs dtrace cpu.generic uppc
scsi_vhci zfs random ip hook neti sctp arp usba fctl md lofs sppp
crypto ptm ipc fcp fcip cpc logindmux sv nsctl sdbc ufs rdc ii nsmb ]
> ::status
debugging crash dump vmcore.0 (32-bit) from indy2
operating system: 5.11 snv_86 (i86pc)
panic message:
BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf Page fault) rp=e0620d38 addr=200 occurred in module "<unkn
own>" due to a NULL pointer dereference
dump content: kernel pages only
> ::stack
zfsdev_ioctl+0xd8(2d80000, 5a23, 8045e40, 100003, e8b3a020, e0620f78)
cdev_ioctl+0x2e(2d80000, 5a23, 8045e40, 100003, e8b3a020, e0620f78)
spec_ioctl+0x65(ddfb6c00, 5a23, 8045e40, 100003, e8b3a020, e0620f78)
fop_ioctl+0x49(ddfb6c00, 5a23, 8045e40, 100003, e8b3a020, e0620f78)

The dtrace command that I was running was:

dtrace -n 'fbt:zfs:dsl_dataset_promote:return { trace(arg0); stack() }'

Mike Gerdts
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