Wyllys Ingersoll wrote:
> I'm not even trying to stripe it across multiple disks, I just want to add 
> another partition (from the same physical disk) to the root pool.  Perhaps 
> that is a distinction without a difference, but my goal is to grow my root 
> pool, not stripe it across disks or enable raid features (for now).
> Currently, my root pool is using c1t0d0s4 and I want to add c1t0d0s0 to the 
> pool, but can't.
DANGER: Uncharted territory!!!

That said, if the space on the disk (for the 2 partitions) is contiguous 
(which it doesn't appear is true in your case,) or could be made 
contiguous by moving some other slice out of the way, then one way you 
should (note: I haven't tried this, and there is chance for human error 
to mess things up even if it will work - and there's some chance it 
won't work even if you do it perfect,) be able to grow the root pool by 
deleting the new (second) partition, and redefine the original partition 
to extand across the space of both partitions.

Once that's done, a zpool replace c1t0d0sX c1t0d0sX should notify ZFS 
that the slice is bigger, and it will grow the pool to match.

You have s4 and s0, so I bet the space is not contiguous, and I'd guess 
the free space is earlier on the disk, not later. You might be able to 
get around that by mirroring s4 to s0 first then detaching s4, so that 
you're only using s0 and the beginning of the disk... but that's just 
more changes that could introduce problems.

Needless to say, I wouldn't try this on a system I really needed with out:

1) Really good backups!

and possibly,

2) Trying it out first on a virtual machine, or different HW.

Personally, unless I really wanted to prove I could do it, I'd just 
backup and reinstall. ;) sorry.


> -Wyllys
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