On Fri, Jun 27, 2008 at 6:30 PM, wan_jm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just have a try.
> In my opinion, if the directory is not empty, zpool should not create the 
> pool.
> let me give a senario if some day our software runs on the customer site. but 
> one engineer of the customer did the above operation failed, but he didn't do 
> anything more. few days later , the os automatically rebooted, then the 
> machine stops services.
> don't you think it is a bug ?

At step 3 there was an error message that was not properly dealt with.
 The fact that the system is not resilient to any misstep is not a
bug.  If you remove /sbin/init the system would be hosed worse but you
would have gotten no error message before reboot.

Mike Gerdts
zfs-discuss mailing list

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