Hello jan,

Tuesday, July 1, 2008, 11:09:54 AM, you wrote:

jd> Hi all,

jd> Based on the further comments I received, following
jd> approach would be taken as far as calculating default
jd> size of swap and dump devices on ZFS volumes in Caiman
jd> installer is concerned.

jd> [1] Following formula would be used for calculating
jd>     swap and dump sizes:

jd> size_of_swap = MAX(512 MiB, MIN(physical_memory/2, 32 GiB))
jd> size_of_dump = MAX(256 MiB, MIN(physical_memory/4, 16 GiB))

jd> User can reconfigure this after installation is done on live
jd> system by "zfs set" command.

jd> [2] dump and swap devices will be considered optional

jd> dump and swap devices will be considered optional during
jd> fresh installation and will be created only if there is
jd> appropriate space available on disk provided.

jd> Minimum disk space required will not take into account
jd> dump and swap, thus allowing user to install on small disks.
jd> This will need to be documented (e.g. as part of release notes),
jd> so that user is aware of such behavior.

jd> Recommended disk size (which now covers one full upgrade plus
jd> 2GiB space for additional software) will take into account dump
jd> and swap.

jd> Dump and swap devices will be then created if user dedicates
jd> at least recommended disk space for installation.

jd> Thank you very much all for this valuable input.
jd> Jan

I like your approach and I like even more that you've listened to
community - thank you.

Best regards,
 Robert Milkowski                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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