On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 13:16, Juho Mäkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Then I went and bought an Intel PCI Gigabit Ethernet card for 25€ which seems 
> to have solved the problem. I still need to do some testing though to verify.
Glad to hear it.

>> Is hardware checksum offloading enabled on either end?
>>  How does another
>> pplication (e.g., scp) behave between the two
>> machines?
> What's this?
Hardware checksum offloading is when the card calculates the checksum
of the outgoing packets in hardware rather than letting the OS do it.
It can give better performance than software (depending on
configuration) but some cards do the checksums improperly, which can
lead to poor performance since bad packets are dropped.  On Solaris
you can try the program here:
to see if it's enabled; on Linux run "ethtool -k <ifname>", or
"netstat -ant" on Windows.

scp is secure copy; it transfers files from one machine to another
over an ssh tunnel.  It may be processor-bound, especially since its
encryption is single-threaded, but it's a good thing to compare to
when CIFS is misbehaving.  It's included with Linux and Solaris, and
you can try WinSCP on Windows.

That said, if it's working with the replacement card I wouldn't worry
about it too much ;)

> So far thanks for the responses so far, hopefully my Intel network card 
> solved my problems =)
You're welcome, and I hope it keeps working for you.

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