On Tue, 22 Jul 2008, Miles Nordin wrote:
> scrubs making pools uselessly slow?  Or should it be scrub-like so
> that already-written filesystems can be thrown into the dedup bag and
> slowly squeezed, or so that dedup can run slowly during the business
> day over data written quickly at night (fast outside-business-hours
> backup)?

I think that the scrub-like model makes the most sense since ZFS write 
performance should not be penalized.  It is useful to implement 
score-boarding so that a block is not considered for de-duplication 
until it has been duplicated a certain number of times.  In order to 
decrease resource consumption, it is useful to perform de-duplication 
over a span of multiple days or multiple weeks doing just part of the 
job each time around. Deduping a petabyte of data seems quite 
challenging yet ZFS needs to be scalable to these levels.

Bob Friesenhahn
[EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.simplesystems.org/users/bfriesen/
GraphicsMagick Maintainer,    http://www.GraphicsMagick.org/

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