If I have 2 raidz's, 5x400G and a later added 5x1T, should I expect
that streaming writes would go primarily to only 1 of the raidz sets?
Or is this some side effect of my non-ideal hardware setup?  I thought
that adding additional capacity to a pool automatically would then
balance writes to both raidz's, but does not seem to fit what I've
seen empirically.  What am I missing?  Note that the following is a
snapshot of time in the middle of a large streaming write, not the
initial output from zpool iostat.


zpool iostat -v tank 1
               capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool         used  avail   read  write   read  write
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
tank        1.72T  4.65T      9    379   156K  30.7M
  raidz1    1.66T   166G      9    329   156K  30.5M
    c0t0d0      -      -      4    152   282K  7.64M
    c0t4d0      -      -      4    155   282K  7.64M
    c1t0d0      -      -      2    153   188K  7.64M
    c1t4d0      -      -      3    161   220K  7.64M
    c1t1d0      -      -      1    158  94.1K  7.64M
  raidz1    65.2G  4.48T      0     50      0   158K
    c0t5d0      -      -      0     72      0  82.4K
    c1t2d0      -      -      0     69      0  80.4K
    c1t6d0      -      -      0     72      0  83.3K
    c0t2d0      -      -      0      0      0      0
    c0t6d0      -      -      0     73      0  87.3K
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
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