My upgrade has been completed - Comments interleaved below.

On Fri, Aug 8, 2008 at 4:38 PM, Johan Hartzenberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Hello,
> Since I've got my disk partitioning sorted out now, I want to move my BE
> from the old disk to the new disk.
> I created a new zpool, named RPOOL for distinction with the existing
> "rpool".
> I then did lucreate -p RPOOL -n new95
> This completed without error, the log is at the bottom of this mail.
> I have not yet dared to run luactivate. I also have not yet dared set the
> ACTIVE flag on any partitions on the new disk (I had some interesting times
> with that previously).  Before I complete these steps to set the active
> partition and run luactivate, I have a few questions:
> 1. I somehow doubt that the lucreate process installed a boot block on the
> new disk...  How can I confirm this?  Or is luactivate supposed to do this?

This was properly taken care of by luactivate.

> 2. There are a number of open issues still with ZFS root.  I saw some notes
> pertaining to leaving the first cylinder of the disk out from the root pool
> slice.  What is that all about?

I can't find the references to this.  I found this while reading up on ZFS
root mirroring, but can't find it again.  At any rate, wheatever the issue
was it seems to not affect me.

> 3. I have a remnant of the lucreate process in my mounts ... (which
> prevents, for example lumount and previously caused problems with
> luactivate)

I had to do the lucreate 3 times before it worked.  After the first time I
had the stuck mount points.  This caused some files from the zone to be
copied directly into /.alt.*, which caused the lumount and luactivate to
fail.  It took me two attempts to clean out everything manually because
ludelete also refuses to delete a BE which it can not mount.

> 4. I see the vdev for dump got created in the new pool, but not for swap?
> Is this to be expected?

On the second and third attempts lucreate did in fact create the SWAP vdev.

> 5. There were notes about errors which were recorded in /tmp/lucopy.errors
> ... I've rebooted my machine since, so I can't review those any more....  I
> guess I need to run the lucreate again to see if it happens again and to be
> able to read those logs before they get lost again.

These did not recur.  Note however that between the second and third
attempts I removed the zone, so I performed the "upgrade" without any zones

> 6. Since SHARED is an entirely independent pool, and since the purpose of
> this lucreate is to move root from one disk to another, I don't see why
> lucreate needed to make snapshots of the zone!

And this became a non-issue as I completed the zone with no zones

> 7. Despite the messages that the grub menu have been distributed and
> populated successfully, the new boot environment have not been added to the
> grub menu list.  My experience though is that this happens during
> luactivate, so I'm not concerned about this just yet.

This also became a non-issue on subsequent runs.

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