>>>>> "jw" == Jonathan Wheeler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>>> "mp" == Mattias Pantzare <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    jw> Miles: zfs receive -nv works ok

one might argue 'zfs receive' should validate checksums with the -n
option, so you can check if a just-written dump is clean before
counting on it.  Without this, even with hindsight bias it's really
hard to blame the sysadmin instead of ZFS this time.

    jw> Since there seems to be a problem with the first fs
    jw> (faith/virtualmachines), I need to find a way to skip
    jw> restoring that zfs, so it can focus on the faith/home fs.

right. you do not even need a fix for the supposed corruption, just
for the pedantry.

    mp> There might be a bug in zfs but that is hard to check as you
    mp> can't reproduce the problem.

the 'zfs receive' problem happens every time one tries to restore that
file, and he still has the file, so it's reproduceable in that sense.

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