> On 08/21/08 17:26, Jürgen Keil wrote:
> > Looks like bug 6727872, which is fixed in build 96.
> > http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6727872
> that pool contains normal OpenSolaris mountpoints,

Did you upgrade the opensolaris installation in the past?

AFAIK the opensolaris upgrade procedure results in 
cloned zfs filesystems rpool/RPOOL/opensolaris,
rpool/RPOOL/opensolaris-1, ..., rpool/RPOOL/opensolaris-N
And only the latest one is mounted, the other (older)
zfs root filesystems are unmounted.

> what do you meen abount umounting and remounting it?

The bug happens with unmounted filesystems, so you
need to mount them first, then umount.

Something like

   mount -F zfs rpool/RPOOL/opensolaris /mnt && umount /mnt
   mount -F zfs rpool/RPOOL/opensolaris-1 /mnt && umount /mnt

> I need to do this with a live cd?

No.  You can do that when the system is booted from the hdd.
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