
I've got a OpenSolaris server n95, that I use for media, serving.  It's uses a 
DQ35JOE motherboard, dual core, and I have my rpool mirrored on two IDE 40GB 
drives, and my media mirrored on 2 x 500GB SATA drives.

I've got a few CIFS shares on the media drive, and I'm using MediaTomb to 
stream to my PS3. No problems at all, until today.  I was at work (obviously 
not working too hard :) ), when I thought that I really should scrub my pools, 
since I hasn't done it for awhile.  So I SSHed into the box, and did a scrub on 
both pools.

A few minutes later, I lost my SSH connection... uh oh, but not too worried, I 
thought that the ADSL must've gone down or something.

Came home, and the server is in a reboot loop, kernel panic.  Nuts...

Booted into the LiveDVD of snv_95, no problem, set about scrubbing my rpool, 
everything is good, until I decide to import and start scrubbing my storage 
pool... kernel panic... Nuts...

Removed the storage pool drives from the machine, no problem, boots up fine and 
starts scrubbing the rpool again.  No problems.  Decided to more the storage 
drives over to my desktop machine, try to import.... kernel panic...

So, the trick is, how do I fix it?

I've read a few posts, and I've seen other people with similar problems, but I 
have to admit I'm simply not smart enough to solve the problem, so, anyone got 
any ideas?

Here's some info that I hope prove useful.

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ pfexec zpool import
  pool: storage
    id: 6933883927787501942
 state: ONLINE
status: The pool is formatted using an older on-disk version.
action: The pool can be imported using its name or numeric identifier, though
        some features will not be available without an explicit 'zpool upgrade'.

        storage     ONLINE
          mirror    ONLINE
            c3t3d0  ONLINE
            c3t2d0  ONLINE

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ zdb -uuu -e storage

        magic = 0000000000bab10c
        version = 10
        txg = 3818020
        guid_sum = 6700303293925244073
        timestamp = 1220003402 UTC = Fri Aug 29 17:50:02 2008
        rootbp = [L0 DMU objset] 400L/200P DVA[0]=<0:6a00058e00:200> 
DVA[1]=<0:20000a8600:200> DVA[2]=<0:3800050600:200> fletcher4 lzjb LE 
contiguous birth=3818020 fill=170 

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/Desktop$ zdb -e -bb storage

Traversing all blocks to verify nothing leaked ...

        No leaks (block sum matches space maps exactly)

        bp count:         3736040
        bp logical:    484538716672      avg: 129693
        bp physical:   484064542720      avg: 129566    compression:   1.00
        bp allocated:  484259193344      avg: 129618    compression:   1.00
        SPA allocated: 484259193344     used: 97.20%

Blocks  LSIZE   PSIZE   ASIZE     avg    comp   %Total  Type
   105  1.11M    339K   1017K    9.7K    3.35     0.00  deferred free
     2    32K      4K   12.0K   6.00K    8.00     0.00  object directory
     2     1K      1K   3.00K   1.50K    1.00     0.00  object array
     1    16K   1.50K   4.50K   4.50K   10.67     0.00  packed nvlist
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  packed nvlist size
     1    16K   3.00K   9.00K   9.00K    5.33     0.00  bplist
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  bplist header
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  SPA space map header
   373  2.14M    801K   2.35M   6.44K    2.73     0.00  SPA space map
     3  40.0K   40.0K   40.0K   13.3K    1.00     0.00  ZIL intent log
   552  8.62M   2.40M   4.82M   8.94K    3.60     0.00  DMU dnode
     8     8K      4K   8.50K   1.06K    2.00     0.00  DMU objset
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  DSL directory
     8     4K      4K   12.0K   1.50K    1.00     0.00  DSL directory child map
     7  3.50K   3.50K   10.5K   1.50K    1.00     0.00  DSL dataset snap map
    15   225K   25.0K   75.0K   5.00K    8.98     0.00  DSL props
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  DSL dataset
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  ZFS znode
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  ZFS V0 ACL
 3.56M   451G    451G    451G    127K    1.00   100.00  ZFS plain file
 1.55K   9.9M   1.51M   3.03M   1.95K    6.55     0.00  ZFS directory
     7  3.50K   3.50K   7.00K      1K    1.00     0.00  ZFS master node
    40   550K   87.0K    174K   4.35K    6.32     0.00  ZFS delete queue
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  zvol object
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  zvol prop
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  other uint8[]
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  other uint64[]
     1    512     512   1.50K   1.50K    1.00     0.00  other ZAP
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  persistent error log
     1   128K   10.0K   30.0K   30.0K   12.80     0.00  SPA history
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  SPA history offsets
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  Pool properties
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  DSL permissions
   107  53.5K   53.5K    107K      1K    1.00     0.00  ZFS ACL
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  ZFS SYSACL
     4    64K      4K      8K      2K   16.00     0.00  FUID table
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  FUID table size
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  DSL dataset next clones
     -      -       -       -       -       -        -  scrub work queue
 3.56M   451G    451G    451G    127K    1.00   100.00  Total

I've checked my /var/adm/messages file, and found the following:

Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 836849 kern.notice] 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus ^Mpanic[cpu2]/thread=ffffff00087f0c80: 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 335743 kern.notice] BAD TRAP: type=e (#pf 
Page fault) rp=ffffff00087effc0 addr=2a0 occ
urred in module "unix" due to a NULL pointer dereference
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 839527 kern.notice] sched: 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 753105 kern.notice] #pf Page fault
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 532287 kern.notice] Bad kernel fault at 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 243837 kern.notice] pid=0, 
pc=0xfffffffffb842a1b, sp=0xffffff00087f00b8, eflags=0x10246
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 211416 kern.notice] cr0: 
8005003b<pg,wp,ne,et,ts,mp,pe> cr4: 6f8<xmme,fxsr,pge,mce,pae,ps
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 624947 kern.notice] cr2: 2a0
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 625075 kern.notice] cr3: 3400000
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 625715 kern.notice] cr8: c
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  rdi:              2a0 
rsi:                4 rdx: ffffff00087f0c80
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  rcx:                2  
r8:              1d0  r9:     ff000000ff00
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  rax:                0 
rbx:                4 rbp: ffffff00087f0110
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  r10:               43 
r11:            1d0c0 r12:              2a0
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  r13:                0 
r14:                0 r15: ffffff01db281800
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  fsb:                0 
gsb: ffffff01caa58580  ds:               4b
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]   es:               4b  
fs:                0  gs:              1c3
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]  trp:                e 
err:                2 rip: fffffffffb842a1b
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 592667 kern.notice]   cs:               30 
rfl:            10246 rsp: ffffff00087f00b8
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 266532 kern.notice]   ss:               38
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087efea0 
unix:die+c8 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087effb0 
unix:trap+13b9 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087effc0 
unix:cmntrap+e9 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0110 
unix:mutex_enter+b ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0130 
zfs:zio_buf_alloc+28 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0170 
zfs:zio_read_init+49 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f01a0 
zfs:zio_execute+7f ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f01e0 
zfs:zio_wait+2e ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0290 
zfs:arc_read_nolock+739 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0330 
zfs:arc_read+7d ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0460 
zfs:scrub_visitbp+141 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0570 
zfs:scrub_visitbp+1bd ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0680 
zfs:scrub_visitbp+42c ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0790 
zfs:scrub_visitbp+1bd ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f08a0 
zfs:scrub_visitbp+2ea ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f08f0 
zfs:scrub_visit_rootbp+4e ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0aa0 
zfs:dsl_pool_scrub_sync+12c ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0b10 
zfs:dsl_pool_sync+158 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0bb0 
zfs:spa_sync+254 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0c60 
zfs:txg_sync_thread+226 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 655072 kern.notice] ffffff00087f0c70 
unix:thread_start+8 ()
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus unix: [ID 100000 kern.notice] 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 672855 kern.notice] syncing file 
Aug 29 17:37:29 asmodeus genunix: [ID 904073 kern.notice]  done
Aug 29 17:37:30 asmodeus genunix: [ID 111219 kern.notice] dumping to 
/dev/dsk/c3t0d0s1, offset 429391872, content: kernel
Aug 29 17:37:30 asmodeus ahci: [ID 405573 kern.info] NOTICE: ahci0: 
ahci_tran_reset_dport port 0 reset port
Aug 29 17:37:33 asmodeus genunix: [ID 409368 kern.notice] ^M100% done: 120113 
pages dumped, compression ratio 3.77, 
Aug 29 17:37:33 asmodeus genunix: [ID 851671 kern.notice] dump succeeded

Any help would be appreciated.
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