Ross Smith wrote:
> Triple mirroring you say?  That'd be me then :D
> The reason I really want to get ZFS timeouts sorted is that our long 
> term goal is to mirror that over two servers too, giving us a pool 
> mirrored across two servers, each of which is actually a zfs iscsi 
> volume hosted on triply mirrored disks.
> Oh, and we'll have two sets of online off-site backups running 
> raid-z2, plus a set of off-line backups too.
> All in all I'm pretty happy with the integrity of the data, wouldn't 
> want to use anything other than ZFS for that now.  I'd just like to 
> get the availability working a bit better, without having to go back 
> to buying raid controllers.  We have big plans for that too; once we 
> get the iSCSI / iSER timeout issue sorted our long term availability 
> goals are to have the setup I mentioned above hosted out from a pair 
> of clustered Solaris NFS / CIFS servers.
> Failover time on the cluster is currently in the order of 5-10 
> seconds, if I can get the detection of a bad iSCSI link down under 2 
> seconds we'll essentially have a worst case scenario of < 15 seconds 
> downtime.

I don't think this is possible for a stable system.  2 second failure 
for IP networks is troublesome for a wide variety of reasons.  Even with
Solaris Clusters, we can show consistent failover times for NFS services on
the order of a minute (2-3 client retry intervals, including backoff).  But
getting to consistent sub-minute failover for a service like NFS might be a
bridge too far, given the current technology and the amount of 
required to "make it work"^TM.

> Downtime that low means it's effectively transparent for our users as 
> all of our applications can cope with that seamlessly, and I'd really 
> love to be able to do that this calendar year.

I think most people (traders are a notable exception) and applications can
deal with larger recovery times, as long as human-intervention is not  
 -- richard

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