On Fri, Sep 26, 2008 at 7:03 PM, Richard Elling <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>wrote:

> Mikael Kjerrman wrote:
> > define a lot :-)
> >
> > We are doing about 7-8M per second which I don't think is a lot but
> perhaps it is enough to screw up the estimates? Anyhow the resilvering
> completed about 4386h earlier than expected so everything is ok now, but I
> still feel that the way it figures out the number is wrong.
> >
> Yes, the algorithm is conservative and very often wrong until you
> get close to the end.  In part this is because resilvering works in time
> order, not spatial distance. In ZFS, the oldest data is resilvered first.
> This is also why you will see a lot of "thinking" before you see a
> lot of I/O because ZFS is determining the order to resilver the data.
> Unfortunately, this makes time completion prediction somewhat
> difficult to get right.

Hi Richard,

Would it not make more sense then for the program to say something like "No
Estimate Yet" during the early part of the process, at least?

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