
on a Solaris 10u5 box (X4500) with latest patches (Oct 8) one disk was
marked as failed. We replaced it yesterday, I configured it via cfgadm
and told ZFS to replace it with the replacement:

cfgadm -c configure sata1/4
zpool replace atlashome c1t4d0

Initially it looked well, resilvering started, but when I looked a few
hours later I found the zpool still degraded and the replacement disk
was also marked as failed, but the resilvering looked complete
(according to zpool status):

zpool status

s08:~# zpool status
  pool: atlashome
 state: DEGRADED
 scrub: resilver completed with 0 errors on Thu Oct  9 13:51:52 2008

        NAME              STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        atlashome         DEGRADED     0     0     0
          raidz2          ONLINE       0     0     0
          raidz2          DEGRADED     0     0     0
[...]            c0t4d0        ONLINE       0     0     0
            replacing     DEGRADED     0 3.00K    18
              c1t4d0s0/o  UNAVAIL      0   277     0  cannot open
              c1t4d0      *            0     0     0
            c4t4d0        ONLINE       0     0     0
* at that point this disk was OFFLINE IIRC, now it's marked ONLINE, see

I tried to get it back online with disconnecting the SATA port and then
reconnecting it. Apparently that worked (the disk is still ONLINE after
more than 12 hours), but I'm still stuck in the same place. ZFS seems to
think that the replacement is still going on and I don't know how to

I'm currently backing up the files form that box (luckily only about 1
TB), but I would like to know how to solve this:

(1) export/import the file system after the backup?
(2) Destroying the pool and re-init it?
(3) Anything else?

Thanks a lot for a brief hint!



Dr. Carsten Aulbert - Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics
Callinstrasse 38, 30167 Hannover, Germany
Phone/Fax: +49 511 762-17185 / -17193
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