"David Dyer-Bennet" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> On Tue, October 7, 2008 09:19, Johan Hartzenberg wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be great if programmers could just focus on writing code
>> rather than having to worry about getting sued over whether someone
>> else is able or not to make a derivative program from their code?
> If that's what you want, it's easy to achieve.  Simply place your code
> explicitly in the public domain.
> So stop trying to muck up what lots of the rest of us want, which is
> that developments based on free code *stay* free, okay?

Alas, it's not even as simple as that. The author of SQLite, D. Richard
Hipp, took this approach for reasons like those above. He's said[1] that
he wouldn't do it again, since there are problems for users in some
jurisdictions that have no concept of "Public Domain".

He said he'd probably use a BSD licence, if he did it all again.

[1] See, e.g. http://twit.tv/floss26
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