No problem.  I didn't use mirrored slogs myself, but that's certainly
a step up for reliability.

It's pretty easy to create a boot script to re-create the ramdisk and
re-attach it to the pool too.  So long as you use the same device name
for the ramdisk you can add it each time with a simple "zpool replace
pool ramdisk"

On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 1:56 PM, Constantin Gonzalez
> Hi,
> yes, using slogs is the best solution.
> Meanwhile, using mirrored slogs from other servers' RAM-Disks running on
> UPSs
> seem like an interesting idea, if the reliability of UPS-backed RAM is
> deemed
> reliable enough for the purposes of the NFS server.
> Thanks for siggesting this!
> Cheers,
>   Constantin
> Ross wrote:
>> Well, it might be even more of a bodge than disabling the ZIL, but how
>> about:
>> - Create a 512MB ramdisk, use that for the ZIL
>> - Buy a Micro Memory nvram PCI card for £100 or so.
>> - Wait 3-6 months, hopefully buy a fully supported PCI-e SSD to replace
>> the Micro Memory card.
>> The ramdisk isn't an ideal solution, but provided you don't export the
>> pool with it offline, it does work.  We used it as a stop gap solution for a
>> couple of weeks while waiting for a Micro Memory nvram card.
>> Our reasoning was that our server's on a UPS and we figured if something
>> crashed badly enough to take out something like the UPS, the motherboard,
>> etc, we'd be loosing data anyway.  We just made sure we had good backups in
>> case the pool got corrupted and crossed our fingers.
>> The reason I say wait 3-6 months is that there's a huge amount of activity
>> with SSD's at the moment.  Sun said that they were planning to have flash
>> storage launched by Christmas, so I figure there's a fair chance that we'll
>> see some supported PCIe cards by next Spring.
>> --
>> This message posted from
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> Constantin Gonzalez                              Sun Microsystems GmbH,
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> Principal Field Technologist
> Tel.: +49 89/4 60 08-25 91
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