On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 8:43 AM, Bob Friesenhahn
> On Wed, 29 Oct 2008, Martti Kuparinen wrote:
>> Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
>>> AMD Athelon/Opteron dual core likely matches or exceeds
>>> Intel quad core for ZFS use due to a less bottlenecked memory channel.
>> How big is the difference? Does anyone have benchmarking results (maybe even
>> when using ZFS on Solaris 10)?
> The big question would be what should be benchmarked.  ZFS is like a
> big RAM cache.  The more RAM the better.  You would be surprised how
> little disk activity there can really be on systems with a lot of RAM
> as long as synchronous writes are avoided.  As a result, some common
> scenarios mostly exercise RAM rather than the disk channel.
> Unless you need a higher power CPU for other purposes, a ZFS-based
> server should focus on maximizing installed RAM.

Agreed 100%

It's easy to find DDR2 RAM at around $20/gigabyte (based on 1Gb or 2Gb
DIMMs) and I've seen some deals as low a $8/Gb for Kingston RAM.


Al Hopper  Logical Approach Inc,Plano,TX [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                   Voice: 972.379.2133 Timezone: US CDT
OpenSolaris Governing Board (OGB) Member - Apr 2005 to Mar 2007
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