I did upgrade my Solaris and wanted to move from ufs to zfs, I did read about 
a little but I am not sure about all the steps...

Anyway I do understand that I cannot use whole disk as zpool, so I cannot use 
c1t1d0 but I do have to use c1t1d0s0 instead is that correct?

also all documents that I've found say how to use LU to do this task, but I was 
wondering how can I do my migration when I have few partitions.

Those are my partitions:
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0    16524410 11581246 4777920    71%    /
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s6    16524410 9073610 7285556    56%    /usr
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s1    16524410 1997555 14361611    13%    /var
/dev/dsk/c1t0d0s7    81287957 1230221 79244857     2%    /export/home

when I create root zpool do I need to create pool for all of those partitions?
do I need to format my disk and give my slice s0 all the space?

in LU environment how would I specify to move / /usr /var and possibly 
/export/home to go to that one pool? how about swap and dump pools? I did not 
see examples or info how that could be acomplished. I would appreciate some 
hints or maybe there is already someplace document out there, I just was unable 
to locate it...

Greatly appreciate your help in pointing me to the right direction.



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