David Champion wrote:
> I have a feeling I pushed people away with a long message.  Let me
> reduce my problem to one question.
>> # zpool import -f z
>> cannot import 'z': one or more devices is currently unavailable
>> 'zdb -l' shows four valid labels for each of these disks except for the
>> new one.  Is this what "unavailable" means, in this case?
> I have now faked up a label for the disk that didn't have one and
> applied it with dd.

> Can anyone say what "unavailable" means, given that all eight disks are
> registered devices at the correct paths, are readable, and have labels?

For that label to be valid you also need to make sure that checksum for 
the label is valid as well.

You may try to get better idea why what is going on during import with 
the help of DTrace. See topic "more ZFS recovery" for the example script.


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