
Let's say dir a contains  b and c, if I change c to c',  a will be a'
based on COW, right?

  a a'
 b c c'

But what will happen if each children of a contains some pointer
pointing back to a, like the
'..' entry in b. It points to a before the change, which shall it
point to, a or a' after the change?

Shall we modify b too? If yes, there will be a new b', should we do
the same with children of b
recursively? If we leave b untouched,  in the view of a', after we cd
b, '..' will point to a,  that's
quite confusing.

zfs did it right,  but I can't find it in the code,  really appreciate
that if someone can give me
some hints.


Best Regards

args are passed by ref, but bindings are local, variables are in fact
just a symbol referencing an object
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