
I was just restoring a bunch of files from backup using find|cpio when I 
noticed that cpio does not copy files >2GB properly. The resulting files 
were "oddly" sized (<actual size> % 2GB, perhaps?).

Even more alarming, cpio did not warn in any way about not copying the 
file correctly! The cpio command exited normally ($? was 0). Output from 
"-pmdu" did not indicate any errors!

Fortunately, I happened to run 'du' and noticed it giving different sizes 
for the restored and "backup" directories, I've since re-restored the 
affected files using plain cp.

I guess I was lucky not doing the backup using cpio! :(

Seriously bad behaviour here -- something that really should be fixed for 
e.g "Solaris 11".

FWIW, I know about "largefile(5)", but I don't think failing silently like 
this (copying "some" data) can be considered proper behaviour in any 

(This probably does not strictly belong in zfs-discuss, although for me 
both the backup media and the destination pool to restore to are ZFS.)

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