Yes, yes, Torrey, that's why I like you!

You are getting there -- the argument of snopshot is not key in its absolute 
elegance, but what it does in the overall solution. When you are talking 
about PiT with ADM, it made more sense, didn't it?

Please keep in mind that OpenSolaris and ZFS don't need to be the greatest 
technology today, and we need to respect the older generation engineers' 
thoughts -- it's an evolution of transfering enterprise capabilities to 
industry-standard solutions -- not a revolution that Sun Storage just 
re-invented everything.

And think strategically, is VSS just an API?   Even it is, by some logic, 
but what this API doos, in MS long term marketing strategy and its intent to 
claim "enterprise". -- and how OpenSolaris and ZFS can claim "more 
enterprise", one day???

I have lots other work to do, cannot chat no more.
But this is the first year since 2002 that I did not visit Sun Storage, and 
chat with Real Sun Storage folks over drinks. Miss you guys!
As every year, here is my contribution to open storage -- my frank comments.

Happy holidays!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ian Collins" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Joseph Zhou" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "William D. Hathaway" 
<>; <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "Richard 
Sent: Sunday, December 07, 2008 3:26 PM
Subject: Re: Re: [zfs-discuss] Hardware Raid Vs ZFS implementation on Sun 

On Mon 08/12/08 09:14 , Torrey McMahon [EMAIL PROTECTED] sent:
> Ian Collins wrote:

> > Or through the APIs provided by libzfs.

> I'm not sure if those are published/supported as opposed to just being
> readable in the source. I think the ADM project is the droid we're
> looking for.
Fair point, I've been working with my own (C++) wrapper which abstracts the 


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