I compiled just the iscsi initiator this evening and remembered this thread, so 
here are the simple instructions.   This is not the "right" way to do it.   
It's just the easiest.   I should (and probably will) use a Makefile for this, 
but for now, this works and I've been able to tweak some of the timeouts in my 
system.   Tests are still running, so I have no results on whether it's a good 
idea or not yet.

# Check out all of ONNV (mercurial does not have partial checkouts AFAIK)
hg clone -U ssh://a...@hg.opensolaris.org/hg/onnv/onnv-gate

# go into the iscsi initiator directory
cd onnv-gate/usr/src/uts/common/io/scsi/adapters/iscsi

# edit your files
vim iscsi.h

# compile!
export PATH
for cfile in *.c ../../../../../../common/iscsi/*.c 
        cc -I. -I../../../..  -D_KERNEL -D_SYSCALL32 -m64 -xO3 -xmodel=kernel 
-c $cfile

ld -m64 -dy -r -N misc/scsi -N fs/sockfs -N sys/doorfs -N misc/md5 -N 
inet/kifconf -o iscsi *.o

# back up the default driver
cp /kernel/drv/amd64/iscsi /root/iscsi.bak

# install
cp iscsi /kernel/drv/amd64/iscsi
# if you want to avoid reboot, shut down iscsi_initiator
update_drv iscsi
# reboot if necessary - I prefer to "zfs export" and "rm -f /etc/iscsi/*" 
before doing so in my lab

There was a bit more that went into this when I did it, but that should get you 
far enough to play with timeouts.      Be sure to check out elfdump(1).    It 
can tell you a lot about your new driver -- it's how I verified I got all the 
right bits in my build before I tried it in the kernel for the first time.

See also:

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