Bob Friesenhahn wrote:
> On Tue, 16 Dec 2008, Reed Gregory wrote:
>> 8 Hardware RAID-5 Groups ( 5 drives each) and 2 SAN hot spares.
>> zraid of these 8 Raid Groups.  ~ 14TB usable.
>> I did read in a FAQ that doing double redundancy is not recommended 
>> since parity would have to be calculated twice.  I was wondering 
>> what the alternatives are here.
> Parity calculations are in the noise.  You are reading the wrong FAQs. 
> It is likely that if you take care that you can carve out individual 
> disks as RAID-0 volumes.  Then you can provide ZFS with individual 
> access to all the disks and ZFS can do the RAID.  That is what I did. 
> Not one problem in 11 months.
>> Not doing ZFS redundancy means I lose the checksum abilities.  Is 
>> that a good trade off instead of doing the double redundancy?
> ZFS checksums are independent of redundancy.  Without redundancy ZFS 
> is not able to automatically repair the bad data.
> Bob

The older model ATABeast could only do 32 luns per controller I think but the 
specs say that the SATABeast: Supports up to 256 LUNS per controller.
So you could do a separate RAID 0 lun per drive (as Bob suggests above) if the 
interface allows that - it should. You could do 6 raidz2 vdevs of 6 disks 
each, 2 spares and a couple of cache disks or 8 raidz2 vdevs of 5 drives each 
and 2 spares.

Or if that doesn't work, what about doing 10 RAID 0 groups of 4 drives each on 
the beast (leaving the 2 spares) and then doing 2 raidz2 vdevs (5 RAID 0 
groups each) from those.

The beast software will send error reports on failing drives, etc so be sure 
to turn all those bells and whistles on - I think I had the built in testing 
run once per month. And Nexsan overnighted a drive when I needed a 
replacement. Some of the Nexsan systems are listed as offering JBOD, but it is 
not listed on the SATABeast specs.  They should support JBOD to cater to zfs 

I configured mine to spin down the drives when they were not in use and that 
feature worked well*, esp if you only backups at night or have a user base 
that is limited in their work hours.

* except for the abject terror of typing ls and having nothing happen for a 
few long seconds...
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