[i]If you want to add the entire Solaris partition to the zfs pool as a mirror, 
zpool attach -f rpool c1d0s0 c2d0s2[/i]

So my mistake in the first place (see first post), in short, was only the last 
digit: I ought to have used the complete drive (slice 2), instead of *thinking* 
that it is untouchable, and zfs/zpool would set up s0 properly to be used?

Dick, it seems we have to get used to the idea, that slice 2 is touchable, 
after all.

Richard, thanks for the hint with the bug. But, we (I dunno, at least I) would 
definitively see something like what Johan wrote in the Admin Guide; instead of 
the marketing drool!

Yes, I did what Richard proposed, it went through enormously well, and fast, 
and after around one hour resilvering had finished. I could do the grub-thingy 
(also here, the description is bad: one doesn't make /dsk/ bootable, but 
/rdsk/), and then rebooting, the underlying (Linux) grub of the MBR/first 
partition came up, and with 'c' I could change the chainloading from (hd0,1) to 
(hd1,1), and Nevada booted up very well and properly from the new drive. This 
is so much more advanced! If only the bugs were actually taken out, and even 
more importantly: it deserves a proper coherent and consistent documentation!
QED: see subject! "How to create a basic new filesystem" The ZFS Admin Guide is 
silent on this. The ZFS Admin Guide is silent on s2. The ZFS Admin Guide does 
not even tackle the topic of a plurality of systems on a drive. 

Sorry for taking your precious time, but had there been a useful guide, I 
surely would have not seen the need to ask in the first place.

Thanks for all your help!

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