Hi Bob,

Bob Friesenhahn wrote:

>> AFAIK this is not done during the normal operation (unless a disk asked
>> for a sector cannot get this sector).
> ZFS checksum validates all returned data.  Are you saying that this fact
> is incorrect?

No sorry, too long in front of a computer today I guess: I was referring
to hardware RAID controllers, AFAIK these usually do not check the
validity of data unless a disc returns an error. My knowledge regarding
ZFS is exactly that, that data is checked in the CPU against the stored

>> That's exactly what volume checking for standard HW controllers does as
>> well. Read all data and compare it with parity.
> What if the data was corrupted prior to parity generation?

Well, that is bad luck, same is true if your ZFS box has faulty memory
and the computed checksum is right for the data on disk, but wrong in
the sense of the file under consideration.

Sorry for the confusion


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