On 01/06/09 09:07, Chris Gerhard wrote:
> To improve the performance of scripts that manipulate zfs snapshots and the 
> zfs snapshot service in perticular there needs to be a way to list all the 
> snapshots for a given object and only the snapshots for that object.
> There are two RFEs filed that cover this:
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6352014 :
> 'zfs list' should have an option to only present direct descendents
> http://bugs.opensolaris.org/view_bug.do?bug_id=6762432 zfs 
> list --depth
> The first is asking for a way to list only the direct descendents of a data 
> set, ie it's children. The second asks to be able to list all the data sets 
> down to a depth of N. 
> So zfs list --depth 0 would be almost the same as zfs list -c except that it 
> would also list the parent data set.
> While zfs list -c is more user friendly zfs list -depth is more powerful. I'm 
> wondering if both should be fixed or just one and if just one which?
> Comments?
> --chris

This seems like a reasonable proposal to enhance zfs list.  But it would 
also be good to add as few new options to zfs list as possible.  So it 
probably makes sense to add at most one of these new options.  Or 
perhaps add an optional depth argument to the -r option instead?

As you point out, the -c option is user friendly while the -depth (or 
maybe -d) option is more general.  There have been several requests for 
the -c option.  Would anyone prefer the -depth option?  In what cases 
would this be used?

-- Rich

zfs-discuss mailing list
  • [zfs-discuss]... Chris Gerhard
    • Re: [zfs... Richard Morris - Sun Microsystems - Burlington United States
      • Re: ... Mike Futerko
        • ... Richard Morris - Sun Microsystems - Burlington United States
      • Re: ... Tim Foster
        • ... Richard Morris - Sun Microsystems - Burlington United States
          • ... Will Murnane
            • ... Ross
              • ... Richard Morris - Sun Microsystems - Burlington United States
                • ... Ross Smith
          • ... Chris Gerhard

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