Tim wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 10:20 PM, Jonny Gerold <j...@thermeon.com 
> <mailto:j...@thermeon.com>> wrote:
>     Meh this is retarted. It looks like zpool list shows an incorrect
>     calculation? Can anyone agree that this looks like a bug?
>     r...@fsk-backup:~# df -h | grep ambry
>     ambry                 2.7T   27K  2.7T   1% /ambry
>     r...@fsk-backup:~# zpool list
>     ambry  3.62T   132K  3.62T     0%  ONLINE  -
>     r...@fsk-backup:~# zfs list
>     NAME                       USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
>     ambry                     92.0K  2.67T  26.9K  /ambry
>  From what I understand:
> zpool list shows total capacity of all the drives in the pool.  df shows 
> usable capacity after parity.

More specifically, from zpool(1m)

      These space usage properties report  actual  physical  space
      available  to  the  storage  pool. The physical space can be
      different from the total amount of space that any  contained
      datasets  can  actually  use.  The amount of space used in a
      raidz configuration depends on the  characteristics  of  the
      data being written. In addition, ZFS reserves some space for
      internal accounting that  the  zfs(1M)  command  takes  into
      account,  but the zpool command does not. For non-full pools
      of a reasonable size, these effects should be invisible. For
      small  pools,  or  pools  that are close to being completely
      full, these discrepancies may become more noticeable.

Similarly, from zfs(1m)
          The amount of space available to the dataset and all its
          children,  assuming  that  there is no other activity in
          the pool. Because space is shared within a pool, availa-
          bility  can be limited by any number of factors, includ-
          ing physical pool size, quotas, reservations,  or  other
          datasets within the pool.

IMHO, this is a little bit wordy, in an already long man page.
If you come up with a better way to say the same thing in
fewer words, then please file a bug against the man page.
  -- richard
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