Hi Jim,
Thanks for your informative reply. I am involved with kristof
(original poster) in the setup, please allow me to reply below

> Was the follow 'test' run during resynchronization mode or replication
> mode?

Neither, testing was done while in logging mode. This was chosen to
simply avoid any network "issues" and to get the setup working as fast
as possible. The setup was created with:

sndradm -E pri /dev/zvol/rdsk/gold/myzvol /dev/rramdisk/ram1 sec
/dev/zvol/rdsk/gold/myzvol /dev/rramdisk/ram1 ip async

Note that the logging disks are ramdisks again trying to avoid disk
contention and get fastest performance (reliability is not a concern
in this test). Before running the tests, this was the state

#sndradm -P
/dev/zvol/rdsk/gold/myzvol      <-      pri:/dev/zvol/rdsk/gold/myzvol
autosync: off, max q writes: 4096, max q fbas: 16384, async threads:
2, mode: async, state: logging

While we should be getting minimal performance hit (hopefully), we got
a big performance hit, disk throughput was reduced to almost 10% of
the normal rate.
Please feel free to ask for any details, thanks for the help

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