You've got to import the pool first:

    # zpool import   (to see the names of pools available to import)

The name of the pool is likely "rpool", so

    # zpool import -f rpool

Then you mount your root dataset via zfs, or use the
beadm(1M) command to mount it:

    # beadm list   (to see the boot environment name(s) )

The name of your boot environment is likely "opensolaris"

    # beadm mount opensolaris /mnt

Which ever you do, make sure you unmount it before you

    # beadm unmount opensolaris

With OpenSolaris being on ZFS, its much easier to make a
backup "clone" boot environment of your system before making
such changes that could mess up your system.  Rather than to
have to boot to media to fix such issues, you can just boot
a backup boot environment.  See beadm(1M) to see how to
create boot environments.


Garima Tripathi wrote:
> Can anyone help me figure this out:
> I am a new user of ZFS, and recently installed 2008.11 with ZFS.
> Unfortunately I messed up the system and had to boot using LiveCD.
> In the legacy systems, it was possible to get to the boot prompt, and
> then mount the disk containing the "/" on /mnt, and then from there
> fix the issue.
> How do I do the same using ZFS? I tried several zfs commands -
> zfs list returns that there are no pools available,
> zfs list /dev/dsk/cXdYsZ returns that it is not a zfs filesystem,
> zpool online returns that there are no such pools
> Is there some way I can get to my file using zfs, or do I have to re-install?
> Thanks,
> -Garima
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