Yes. I have disconnected the bad disk and booted with nothing in the slot, and 
also with known good replacement disk in on the same sata port. Doesn't change 

Running 2008.11 on the box and 2008.11 snv_101b_rc2 on the LiveCD. I'll give it 
a shot booting from the latest build and see if that makes any kind of 

Thanks for the suggestions.


> Just a thought, but have you physically disconnected
> the bad disk?  It's not unheard of for a bad disk to
> cause problems with others.
> Failing that, it's the "corrupted data" bit that's
> worrying me, it sounds like you may have other
> corruption on the pool (always a risk with single
> parity raid), but I'm worried that it's not giving
> you any more details as to what's wrong.
> Also, what version of OpenSolaris are you running?
> Could you maybe try booting off a CD of the latest
> build?  There are often improvements in the way ZFS
> copes with errors, so it's worth a try.  I don't
> think it's likely to help, but I wouldn't discount
>  it.
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