
We have been using a Solaris 10 system (Sun-Fire-V245) for a while as
our primary file server. This is based on Solaris 10 06/06, plus
patches up to approx May 2007. It is a production machine, and until
about a week ago has had few problems.

Attached to the V245 is a SCSI RAID array, which presents one LUN to
the OS.  On this lun is a zpool (tank), and within that 300+ zfs file
systems (one per user for automounted home directories). The system is
connected to our LAN via gigabit Ethernet,. most of our NFS clients
have just 100FD network connection.

In recent days performance of the file server seems to have gone off a
cliff.  I don't know how to troubleshoot what might be wrong? Typical
"zpool iostat 120" output is shown below. If I run "truss -D df" I see
each call to statvfs64("/tank/bla) takes 2-3 seconds. The RAID itself
is healthy, and all disks are reporting as OK.

I have tried to establish if some client or clients are thrashing the
server via nfslogd, but without seeing anything obvious.  Is there
some kind of per-zfs-filesystem iostat?

End users are reporting just saving small files can take 5-30 seconds?
prstat/top shows no process using significant CPU load.  The system
has 8GB of RAM, vmstat shows nothing interesting.

I have another V245, with the same SCSI/RAID/zfs setup, and a similar
(though a bit less) load of data and users where this problem is NOT
apparent there?


Thu Jan 29 11:32:29 CET 2009
               capacity     operations    bandwidth
pool         used  avail   read  write   read  write
----------  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----
tank        2.09T   640G     10     66   825K  1.89M
tank        2.09T   640G     39      5  4.80M   126K
tank        2.09T   640G     38      8  4.73M   191K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      5  4.79M   126K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      5  4.73M   170K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      3  4.88M  43.8K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      3  4.87M  54.7K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      4  4.81M   111K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      9  4.78M   134K
tank        2.09T   640G     37      5  4.61M   313K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      3  4.89M  32.8K
tank        2.09T   640G     35      7  4.31M   629K
tank        2.09T   640G     28     13  3.47M  1.43M
tank        2.09T   640G      5     51   433K  4.27M
tank        2.09T   640G      6     51   450K  4.23M
tank        2.09T   639G      5     52   543K  4.23M
tank        2.09T   640G     26     57  3.00M  1.15M
tank        2.09T   640G     39      6  4.82M   107K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      3  4.80M   119K
tank        2.09T   640G     38      8  4.64M   295K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      7  4.82M   102K
tank        2.09T   640G     43      5  4.79M   103K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      4  4.73M   193K
tank        2.09T   640G     39      5  4.87M  62.1K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      3  4.88M  49.3K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      3  4.80M   122K
tank        2.09T   640G     42      4  4.83M  82.0K
tank        2.09T   640G     40      3  4.89M  42.0K
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