Antonio wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all let me say that, after a few days using it (and after several 
> *years* of using Linux daily),  I'm delighted with OpenSolaris 8.11. It's 
> gonna be the OS of my choice.
> The fact is that I installed it in a partition of 16Gb in my hard disk and 
> that I'd like to add another partition to the system (I have different 
> partitions with Linux and Windows and some others).
> So the questions are:
> 1.- How do I add an existing partition to OpenSolaris? (Should I change the 
> partition type or something? Shall I "grow" ZFS or shall I mount the extra 
> partition somewhere else?)
yes. You can create a new zpool from your free/spare partition.
I had the same problem. I wanted to use Linux partition as a mirror.
So here is how to:
Follow this blog -
* install FSWpart and FSWfsmisc
* run prtpart (find out your disk ID)
* figure out partitions ID: prtpart "disk ID" -ldevs
* create zpool from linux partition  e.g. zpool create trunk /dev/dsk/c9d0p3
* check it out: zpool list or zpool status

> 2.- Would you please recommend a good introduction to Solaris/OpenSolaris? 
> I'm used to Linux and I'd like to get up to speed with OpenSolaris.
sure, OpenSolaris Bible :)

Hope this helps,


Jan Hlodan

> Thanks in advance,
> Antonio

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