Zpool iostat 5 reports:

rpool        115G   349G     91      0  45.7K      0
rpool        115G   349G     90      0  45.5K      0
rpool        115G   349G     89      0  44.6K      0
rpool        115G   349G     93      0  47.9K      0
rpool        115G   349G     90      0  45.0K      0
rpool        115G   349G     84     31  67.5K   144K
rpool        115G   349G     92      0   111K      0
rpool        115G   349G     90      0  45.3K      0

while iotop.d from the drace toolkit reports:

2009 Feb 18 18:09:31,  load: 0.15,  disk_r:  26560 KB,  disk_w:      0

  UID    PID   PPID CMD              DEVICE  MAJ MIN D            BYTES
  101   8697      1 trackerd         sd5      50 320 R         13369344
  101   8697      1 trackerd         sd4      50 256 R         13828096

Iostat -xn 5 also reports consistent readings with iotop.

I lauched tracker to rebuild its index and the hard drive get decent use
(you can hear it) and zpool iostat somehow does not see it ...

Is this a known problem ?



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