If this happens if ZFS is in use anywhere in the system, I'm not sure
of a solution.

If you just need Oracle files and activity to be on something other
than ZFS, could you try creating a ZFS block device and formatting it

(disclaimer: I'm not an Oracle user)

On Fri, Feb 20, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Jose Gregores <jose.grego...@sun.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We have a Suncluster/ZFS  customer complaining about this issue.
> Subject:     Unable to run Forms applications when using Solaris Zettabyte
> File System (ZFS)
>       Doc ID:     730691.1     Type:     PROBLEM
>       Modified Date:     24-SEP-2008     Status:     PUBLISHED
> In this Document
>   Symptoms
>   Changes
>   Cause
>   Solution
>   References
> Applies to:
> Oracle Application Server 10g Enterprise Edition - Version: to
> Oracle Forms - Version: 6.0 to 10.1.2
> Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit)
> Solaris Operating System (SPARC 32-bit)
> Symptoms
> A common symptom will include Oracle Forms applications intermittently or
> consistently failing at startup or while in use. The error displayed on the
> client will be FRM-92101.
> Changes
> This problem can be exposed when enabling Solaris Zettabyte File System
> (ZFS).
> Cause
> Oracle Fusion Middleware and all of it subcomponents (i.e. Forms, Reports,
> etc) have not been certified to be used in a Solaris ZFS environment or any
> other specific file systems.  This includes all Application Server versions
> 1.0 - 10.1.3.  Therefore, Oracle technical support will be limited for
> installations configured in this type of environment.
> Usually, Oracle Fusion Middleware software can be installed on file systems
> provided by the OS vendor. If there is a compatibility issue specific to an
> OS version and/or file system that is being used,  contact the OS vendors
> directly.
> Solution
> Because Solaris ZFS has not been certified and technical support will be
> limited for this configuration, it is strongly recommended that ZFS not be
> used without extensive testing prior to moving to production.  Problems
> reproducible only when using a specific file system type should be directed
> toward the OS vendor and not Oracle.
> It is not expected that ZFS will be supported for use with Application
> Server 10.1.2 or 10.1.3 before these product versions reach their desupport
> dates.  Information about Fusion Middleware support and support dates can be
> found in a brochure titled, "Lifetime Support Policy: Oracle Technology
> Products" found on the Oracle web site.
> http://www.oracle.com/support/library/brochure/lifetime-support-technology.pdf
> Please refer to the Application Server Certification documentation for the
> latest updates regarding this issue.
> http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/files/as_certification_r2_101202.html
> References
> Do we have a solution or suggestion for this problem ?
> Thanks.
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