Miles Nordin wrote:
    gp> Performing a checkpoint will perform such tasks as making sure
    gp> that all transactions recorded in the log but not yet written
    gp> to the database are written out and that the system is not in
    gp> the middle of a write when you grab the data.

great copying of buzzwords out of a glossary,
Wasn't copied from a glossary, I just tried to simplify it enough for you to understand. I apologize if I didn't accomplish that goal.

but does it change my
claim or not? My claim is:
  that SQLite2 should be equally as tolerant of snapshot backups as it
  is of cord-yanking.
You're missing the point here Miles. The folks weren't asking for a method to confirm their database was able to perform proper error recovery and confirm it would survive having the cord yanked out of the wall. They were asking for a reliable way to backup their data. The best way to do that is not by snapshotting alone. The process of performing database backups is well understood and supported throughout the industry.

Relying on the equivalent of crashing the database to perform backups isn't how professionals get the job done. There is a reason that database vendor do not suggest you backup their databases by pulling the plug out of the wall or killing the running process. The best way to backup a database is by using a checkpoint. Your comment about checkpoints being for systems where snapshots are not available is not accurate. That is the normal method of backing up databases under Solaris among others. Checkpoints are useful for all systems since they guarantee that the database files are consistent and do not require recovery which doesn't always work no matter what the glossy brochures tell you. Typically they are used in concert with snapshots. Force the checkpoint, trigger the snapshot and you're golden.

Let's take a simple case of a transaction which consists of three database updates within a transaction. One of those writes succeeds, you take a snapshot and then the two other writes succeed. Everyone concerned with the transaction believes it succeeded but your snapshot does not show that. When the database starts up again, the data it will have in your snapshot indicates the transaction never succeeded and therefore it will roll out the database transaction and you will lose that transaction. Well, it will assuming that all code involved in that recovery works flawlessly. Issuing a checkpoint on the other hand causes the database to complete the transaction including ensuring consistency of the database files before you take your snapshot. NOTE: If you issue a checkpoint and then perform a snapshot you will get consistent data which does not require the database perform recovery. Matter of fact, that's the best way to do it.

Your dismissal of write activity taking place is inaccurate. Snapshots take a picture of the file system at a point in time. They have no knowledge of whether or not one of three writes required for the database to be consistent have completed. (Refer to above example) Data does not hit the disk instantly, it takes some finite amount of time in between when the write command is issued for it to arrive at the disk. Plainly, terminating the writes between when they are issued and before it has completed is possible and a matter of timing. The database on the other hand does understand when the transaction has completed and allows outside processes to take advantage of this knowledge via checkpointing.

All real database systems have flaws in the recovery process and so far every database system I've seen has had issues at one time or another. If we were in a perfect world it SHOULD work every time but we aren't in a perfect world. ZFS promises on disk consistency but as we saw in the recent thread about "Unreliable for professional usage" it is possible to have issues. Likewise with database systems.

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