I've seen some talk on vmware forums indicating it is possible to run
64 bit guests on a 32 bit host as long as something called VT
technology is available.

I have an athlon64 +3200 running 32 bit WinXP pro.  I wondered if I
would be able to run opensol in 64 bit as guest inside VirtualBox?

I suspect the Mobo (A0pen AK86-L) on that Athlon may cause problems if
installing opensol directly onto that hardware.  I don't see any AOpen
motherboards on the HCL.  This one is somewhat dated.. maybe 4 yrs old
or so I doubt it has VT technology.. although I really don't know.

I'm successfully running Opensol-11 on that machine as a `VMware'
guest but didn't know how to try to force a 64 bit install or if it
would be a bad idea anyway.

My whole purpose is to experiment with zfs... would I see much
difference if opensol was installed 64 bit as compared to 32 bit?

I noticed the Simon blogs that describe how to setup a home zfs server
( http://breden.org.uk/2008/03/02/a-home-fileserver-using-zfs/ )
mention it is best setup 64 bit, but no real reason is given.

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