On Sun, Apr 12, 2009 at 12:23:03PM -0700, Richard Elling wrote:
> These disks are pretty slow.  JBOD?  They are not 100% busy, which
> means that either the cached data is providing enough response to the
> apps, or the apps are not capable of producing enough load -- which
> means the bottleneck may be elsewhere.

They are four 500-gig Iscsi LUNs exported from a Netapp filer, with
Solaris multipathing.  Yes, the I/O is normally mostly writes, with
reads being satisfied from various caches.

> You can use fsstat to get a better idea of what sort of I/O the applications
> are seeing from the file system.  That might be revealing.

Thanks for the suggestion.  There are so many `*stat' commands that I
forget about some of them.  I've run a baseline with `fsstat', but the
server is mostly idle now.  I'll have to wait for another incident!
What option to `fsstat' do you recommend?  Here's a sample of the
default output:

    $ fsstat  zfs 5 5
     new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write
     file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes
    3.56M 1.53M 3.83M 1.07G 1.53M  2.47G 4.09M 56.4M 1.83T 61.1M  306G zfs
       13     1    16 1.40K     5  11.6K     0     5 38.5K   125  127K zfs
       18     0    18 3.61K     6  21.1K     0     6 16.7K    97  244K zfs
       26     4    25 1.73K    10  6.76K     0    18  178K   142  817K zfs
       12     3    13 3.90K     5  9.00K     0     5 32.8K   108  287K zfs
        7     2     7 1.98K     3  5.87K     0     7 67.5K   108 2.34M zfs
-Gary Mills-    -Unix Support-    -U of M Academic Computing and Networking-
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