>>>>> "tn" == Thomas Nau <thomas....@uni-ulm.de> writes:

    tn> After updating the machine to b114 we ran into a strange
    tn> problem. The pool get's imported (listed by 'zpool list') but
    tn> none of it's ZFS filesystems get mounted. Exporting and
    tn> reimporting manually fixes the problem as does "zfs mount
    tn> -a". So far it simply worked, as said till we updated.

``me, too'' with b71, so the symptom isn't new.

I think this happens for me when the pool is UNAVAILABLE at boot, and
then enough devices come on line that it becomes ready.  In that case
I need to do both zfs mount -a and zfs share -a.  (or export/import)

For me the main aspect of this problem is zfs mount mounting things in
the wrong order: some of the datasets are mounted but not all.  If you
have nested filesystems,


sometimes you can end up with a/A/1, a/A/2, a/B mounted but a/A is not
mounted.  In this case, the 'a' filesystem contains empty directories
serving as mountpoints a/A/1 and a/A/2, when it should contain only
mountpoint a/A (with the deeper two mountpoints inside the a/A
filesystem).  You have to clear out the incorrect deeper mountpoints
before zfs mount -a will work properly again.

so on second thought since you say none of your filesystems are
mounted, you may have a different symptom.

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