On Sun, Jun 07, 2009 at 10:38:29AM -0700, Leonid Zamdborg wrote:
> Out of curiosity, would destroying the zpool and then importing the
> destroyed pool have the effect of recognizing the size change?  Or
> does 'destroying' a pool simply label a pool as 'destroyed' and make
> no other changes...

It would be unnecessary.  ZFS can handle size increases just fine
without any more than an export/import in most cases.

The problem is that the OS doesn't always make it so simple.  The label
on the disk needs to be changed to reflect the correct size of the LUN,
then any slice used on the disk needs to be changed to see the

Destroying the zpool doesn't get the label rewritten.

You can destroy the label today, create a new label, then make slice 0
start at the same location, but encompass the entire disk.  When done,
ZFS should import and see the new space.

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