Find that zio->io_offset is the absolute offset of device, not in sector
unit. And If we need use zdb -R to dump the block, we should use the offset
2009/6/25 zhihui Chen <>

> I use following dtrace script to trace the postion of one file on zfs:
> #!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs
> zio_done:entry
> /((zio_t *)(arg0))->io_vd/
> {
>         zio=(zio_t *)arg0;
>         printf("Offset:%x and Size:%x\n",zio->io_offset,zio->io_size);
>         printf("vd:%x\n",(unsigned long)(zio->io_vd));
>         printf("process name:%s\n",execname);
>         tracemem(zio->io_data,40);
>         stack();
> }
> and I run dd command:  "dd if=/export/dsk1/test1 bs=512 count=1", the
> dtrace script will generate following it output:
> Offset:657800 and Size:200
> vd:ffffff02d6a1a700
> process name:sched
>   aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
>               zfs`zio_execute+0xa0
>               genunix`taskq_thread+0x193
>               unix`thread_start+0x8
> ^C
> The tracemem output is the right context of file test1, which is a 512-byte
> text file. "zpool status" has following output:
> pool: tpool
> state: ONLINE
> scrub: none requested
> config:
>         NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
>         tpool       ONLINE       0     0     0
>           c2t0d0    ONLINE       0     0     0
> errors: No known data errors
> My question is how to translate zio->io_offset (0x657800, equal to decimal
> number 6649856) outputed by dtace to block number on disk c2t0d0?
> I tried to use "dd if=/dev/dsk/c2t0d0 of=text iseek=6650112 bs=512 count=1"
> for a check,but the result is not right.
> Thanks
> Zhihui
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