On Fri, Jun 26 at 15:18, NightBird wrote:

We have a server with a couple a raid-z2 pools, each with 23x1TB
disks. This gives us 19TB of useable space on each pool. The server
has 2 x quad core cpu, 16GB RAM and are running b117. Average load
is 4 and we use a log ot CIFS.

We notice ZFS is slow. Even a simple 'ls -al' can take 20sec.  After
trying again, it's cached and therefore quick. We also noticed 'ls'
is relatively quick (~3secs).

As I understand it, each vdev gets roughly the performance of a single
raw disk, with slight performance penalties once you exceed a certain
size of 6-8 disks in a single vdev.


Eric D. Mudama

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