Christian Auby wrote:
> It's not quite like copies as it's not actually a copy of the data I'm
> talking about. 10% parity or even 5% could easily fix most disk errors
> that won't result in a total disk loss.
> I don't see a performance issue if it's not enabled by default though.

The copies code is nice because it tries to put each copy "far away" from the 
others.  This does have a significant performance impact when on a single 
spindle, however, because each logical write will be written "here" and then a 
disk seek to write it to "there".

With a N+K parity (ECC) scheme, you would turn 1 logical write into at least K 
disk seeks, which is by several orders of magnitude the slowest part of I/O.  
(unless you're using flash media, but that's not a common case yet)

If you don't spread out the writes across the platter(s), you run the risk of 
the common-case disk failure mode where many consecutive sectors are damaged.

It would not hurt when it's disabled, but it would cripple a system when it is 

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