I wonder exactly what's going on. Perhaps it is the cache flushes that is 
causing the SCSI errors 
when trying to use the SSD (Intel X25-E and X25-M) disks? Btw, I'm seeing the 
same behaviour on 
both an X4500 (SATA/Marwell controller) and the X4240 (SAS/LSI controller). 
Well, almost. On the 
X4500 I didn't seen the errors printed on the console, but things behaved 
strangely - and I did see 
the same speedup.

If SVM silently disables cache flushes then perhaps there should be a HUGE 
warning printed somewhere 
(ZFS FAQ? Solaris documentation? In zpool when creating/adding devices?) 
about using ZFS with SVM? 

I wonder what the potential danger might be _if_ SVM disables cache flushes for 
the SLOG... 
Sure, that might mean a missed update on the filesystem, but since the data 
disks on the pool 
is raw disk devices the ZFS filesystem should be stable (sans any possibly 
missed updates).
I think I can live with that. What I don't want is a corrupt 16TB zpool in case 
of a power outage...

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