I don't have an answer to your question exactly because i'm a noob and i'm
not using mac but i can say that on FreeBSD which i'm using atm there is a
method to name devices ahead of time so if the drive letters change you
avoid this exact problem.  I'm sure opensolaris and mac have something

As far as your issue goes i THINK you can just export/import the
pool.....i'm sure someone in this list who knows more than me will speak up
on offical stuff =)

2009/7/28 Avérous Julien-Pierre <no-re...@opensolaris.org>

> Hi !
> I'm a Mac User, but I think that I will get more response here about this
> question than on a Mac forum.
> And first, sorry for my approximative English.
> I have a ZFS Pool named "MyPool" with two device (two external USB drive),
> configured as mirror :
> NAME              STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
> MyPool            ONLINE       0     0     0
>  mirror          ONLINE       0     0     0
>    /dev/disk2s2  ONLINE       0     0     0
>    /dev/disk3s2  ONLINE       0     0     0
> The drive disk3 is unexpectedly unplugged for some reason (power failure,
> etc), but the drive is perfectely functional.
> I have plugged an other driver before replugging the unplugged drive. This
> new drive take the device name "disk3"...
> So, if I plug again the unplugged drive, the drive take the device name
> "disk4" and my ZFS mirror partition the name "disk4s2".
> Here is my problem. If I scrub my pool, he don't recognize the new device
> name. It seem that the only solution is to export and import again the pool,
> because :
> - If I do a detach of disk3s2 and a attach of disk4s2, he say to me that
> the drive is not of the good size (it's exact, but I have no problem with
> this when I create my mirrored pool).
> - If I do a attach of disk4s2 on disk2s2, it say to me that disk3s2 is busy
> (it's suspicious : the drive is not used)
> - If I do a replace, ZFS seem to resilver the totality of the drive (and
> this can take age to finish !), but the drive doesn't need to be fully
> resilvered, no (when the drive is unplugged, the drives are in the same
> stat) ?
> So what is the official method to say to ZFS that the device name was
> changed without exporting and re-importing the pool.
> --
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