Thomas Walker wrote:
We are upgrading to new storage hardware.  We currently have a zfs pool with 
the old storage volumes.  I would like to create a new zfs pool, completely 
separate, with the new storage volumes.  I do not want to just replace the old 
volumes with new volumes in the pool we are currently using.  I don't see a way 
to create a mirror of a pool.  Note, I'm not talking about a mirrored-pool, 
meaning mirrored drives inside the pool.  I want to mirror pool1 to pool2.  
Snapshots and clones do not seem to be what I want as they only work inside a 
given pool.  I have looked at Sun Network Data Replicator (SNDR) but that 
doesn't seem to be what I want either as the physical volumes in the new pool 
may be a different size than in the old pool.

  Does anyone know how to do this?  My only idea at the moment is to create the 
new pool, create new filesystems and then use rsync from the old filesystems to 
the new filesystems, but it seems like there should be a way to mirror or 
replicate the pool itself rather than doing it at the filesystem level.

You can do this by attaching the new disks one by one to the old ones.

This is only going to work if your new storage pool has exactly the
same number (at the same size or larger) disks.

For example you have 12 500G drives and your new storage is 12 1TB drivers. That will work.

For each drive in the old pool do:
        zpool attach <poolname> <olddrive> <newdrive>

When you have done that and the resilver has completed then you can
zpool detach all the old drives.

If your existing storage is all ready mirrored this still works you just do the detach twice to get off the old pool.

On the other hand if you have 12 500G drives and your new storage is
6 1TB drives then you can't do that via mirroring you need to use
zfs send and recv eg:

        zpool create newpool ....
        zfs snapshot -r oldp...@sendit
        zfs send -R oldp...@sendit | zfs recv -vFd newpool

That will work providing the data will fit and unlike rsync it will preserve all your snapshots and you don't have to recreate the new filesystems.

Darren J Moffat
zfs-discuss mailing list

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