>I apologize for replying in the middle of this thread, but I never
>saw the initial snapshot syntax of mypool2, which needs to be
>recursive (zfs snapshot -r mypo...@snap) to snapshot all the
>datasets in mypool2. Then, use zfs send -R to pick up and
>restore all the dataset properties.
>What was the original snapshot syntax?

You figured it out! I forgot the -r :)
I don't have the room to try to send locally so I reran the ssh
and it's showing what would get transferred with Ian's syntax.

I just ran the following:
zfs send -vR mypo...@snap |ssh j...@host "pfexec /usr/sbin/zfs recv -Fdnv 
Looking at the man page, it doesn't explicitly state the behavior I am
noticing but looking at the switch's, I can see a _lot_ of traffic going
from the sending host to the receiving host. Does the -n just not write it
but allow it to be sent? The command has not returned...

Thanks everyone!
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